Nobody Said it was easy - Year 3 of Bsc

5:38 AM

So yeah, course registration period just ended – given the students 4 weeks to sort out everything regarding those matters.

Over the final week, I had been thinking deeply on my ability whether I can take care of the courses in my 3rd year. This semester seems to be roller coaster ride. I just finished managing my schedule for upcoming week and it just got me thinking. Wow!

So what is happening in this semester?

Crazy Credit Hours
 I am taking 25 credit hours which is equivalent to 7 subjects, they are all core subjects. haha. yeap. Normally, it happens there will be at least 2 assignments per subject. Say, I am taking 7 subjects, means that there will be approximately 14 assignments AT LEAST that seek for my attention. So far, what have been confirmed, as I counting for the due dates of submission, there will be 14 due dates just for 4 subjects that I need to keep my eyes on. Since the remaining 3 subjects haven't finalised yet. shsssh. 14 datelines just for 4 subjects.

Yeap, as 3rd year students, we are required to come up with thesis as the requirement to graduate, others might call it 'final year project' which I hope it's going to be fun journey! I don't know, the word 'final year' seems giving me mix feelings; scary & exciting at the same time. So basically, thesis will be divided into 2 parts for 2 semester. Part 1 & Part 2. Part 1 is the research proposal, Part 2 is data collection & the writing. I don't know which part is tougher nor the other is exciting. Although thesis / FYP do not particularly have contact hours means there will be NO CLASS to attend like other subjects, but it does consume great amount to time! for what? Research research research, reading reading reading, and writing writing writing! Of course at this point I'm just at research proposal stage, but hmm you know.. when you do.

Tutor / Lab Demonstrator

I love teaching. I applied & been appointed to be a lab demonstrator for Cognitive Psychology subject, for First Year Students. It's not really difficult and it is fun thing to do. This is my first 'official' teaching experience since I was appointed and yeah.. got paid for it. Although, the payment isn't what i'm really after. The experience mostly caught my attention. So I decided to commit and just do this. This week itself as I looked at my schedule just now, I'll be having 3 classes, 2 hours each. My schedule is occupied. However, this classes only for the first half-semester; ends before mid semester break.

Last few weeks, my director asked me whether I wanted to stay in AIESEC or quit? I decided to STAY until my term ends -- next year February. But I guess, I will slow down and channel my commitment & energy more to classes & thesis. I hope I can keep my life balance... only if 'balance' is exist.

So I shared about what I suppose 'fun journey' with my supervisor, she's pretty sorry & somehow worried about my tight schedule and commitment. I don't know, it just mix feelings. I love it when my life occupied with good things to do rather than I boring to death. I like whenever my life get busy, eh?

You Got This.

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