Beauty (Retainer) is Pain
2:03 AM
I do really mean it.
and that motivates me to write about it now.
I just re-wearing my retainer after months I took it off. What is retainer? Retainer is the thing you have to wear after you removed your braces. I wore braces since 2010-2013, since that actually I supposed to wear retainer consistently as its function to retain the shape of 'fixed' teeth after treatment with braces. However, I wear it as in on-off basis. why? because retainer sucks big time! I prefer braces all the way although retainer is removable.
Picture of October 2015
Recall back in time, I think I have made retainer 3 times, due to.. loss and most like it, it can't fit in the position anymore after several months not wearing it. FYI, after wearing braces, our teeth not yet fixed and static, it somehow constantly moving as to get to its comfortable position (original position before being forced to be fixed by braces). At least thats what my dentist told me. aa, I know my explanation may be suck, well I am not a dental student after all.
So yeah, decided to wear it again after I stop wearing it since I came back from Melbourne. why did I stop? I don't know, i just don't like it. I don't feel comfortable with it as it better to be removed when eating. and somehow it makes my pronunciation sounds weird when I talk. forcing the wire to fit in, in recent teeth position.. wohooo~ sakit! but it hope the pain will go away over the night.
I just have to wear this again as I can feel my teeth have been terribly moved forward. I don't want to make it as an effort of wearing Braces goes to waste.
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